Signs it's time to upgrade your CMS

Upgrading a CMS is a big decision. Here's what you need to know.

As your business grows and the interaction with your audience changes due to different and higher expectations you will realize that your business and marketing goals are not fully supported anymore by your current Content Management Platform.

It may be time to upgrade your content management system (CMS). Check out Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your CMS to identify when it’s time for a platform change, six questions for choosing a new solution, and five tips for successful deployment. This will help you identify a system that gives freedom to your marketers and saves time for IT.

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Your website has performance issues

If your site goes down due to a spike in traffic, your customers aren't getting a great experience. Downtime means you're missing out on revenue opportunities. Plus, it forces your IT team to scramble to get the site back up to date. But less dramatic issues, such as slow loading times, can also have a major impact on your business. Both marketing and IT care deeply about site performance. if the Rubrik example shows that building a business case to re-platform, focusing on performance is a good way to get support from IT.

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Your marketing teams can't release content fast enough.

When marketing relies on IT to publish content, it can be difficult to act quickly in response to market trends. Your customers expect brands to be responsive to their needs and to the external environment. For example, some brands that didn't respond quickly enough to the COVID-19 pandemic are putting out messages that felt tone-deaf for several weeks. Even in normal times the marketplace is dynamic - and speed is important.

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You struggle to deliver the right content to your audiences.

Everyone knows they need to personalize their customer experiences, but a lot of midsize businesses don't have the tools to do it. If you can't customize the content for your key audiences, you're leaving money on the table. Improving your conversion rates by 10, 5, or even 2 percent by delivering content that is more relevant to your ideal customers will positively impact your bottom line.

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Your IT team is overloaded with maintenance and security tasks.

Most developers prefer to spend their time creating innovative solutions to: business problems - no content updates publish, build and test custom functions for marketing and preparing for CMS version upgrades. If your developers spend a lot of time on low-level tasks, you need to re-platform.

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Your CMS cannot support all the channels you need to use to reach your customers.

Often different teams are responsible for different channels. For example, marketing may be responsible for the web and IT may be responsible for mobile. If the content on these channels isn't consistent, your customers won't get the best experience possible. And if the teams don't work together, the process for creating and publishing content will be inefficient because content will have to be created twice. Adding other channels to the mix, such as social, digital in-store signage, or IoT devices, makes the problem even more complex.

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